The FYRE Foundation is a registered Charter Organization for three Scouting America units – A family-oriented Cub Scout Pack, an all-boy Troop, and an all-girl Troop. Together, these programs create an opportunity for the entire family, brothers and sisters together, to learn and grow through the various opportunities created by the Scouting America program.
In May 2024, FYRE agreed to a nation-wide pilot program to merge its all-boy troop with its all-girl troop into one since Scouting America Troop (#482). In September 2024, FYRE temporarily suspended its Scouting America programs, but remains a big supporter of the program. The previous meeting location for the units was no longer viable along with several other reasons. The below Scouting America units will remain assigned to FYRE and may resume once a new location is identified.
Cub Scout Pack 481 (INACTIVE)
All-Boy Troop 482 (Temporarily Suspended)
All-Girl Troop 483 (INACTIVE)
The Scouting America Oath and Law
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God an my country, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarships
The FYRE Foundation partners with the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars to promote and award Scouting America Eagle Scout of the Year Awards. Requirements to compete are linked below. The FYRE Foundation takes great pride in all of our youth, but especially our Eagle Scouts. All of FYRE’s Eagle Scouts are highlighted on FYRE’s Eagle Scout Wall of Fame.
- American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Scout of the Year Scholarship
- National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship
- FYRE Foundation Eagle Scout Wall of Fame
Baylor University conducted an academic study on the benefits of Scouting on individuals and society. Click the link for more details.