Entity Information

Legal Information

  • Legal Name: The Family and Youth Research and Education Foundation, Inc.
  • Ficticious Names or Doing Business As (DBA):
    • FYRE or The FYRE Foundation
    • Cub Scout Pack 481
    • Troop 482(B)
    • Troop 483(G)
  • State of Registration: Florida
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): 83-2072978
  • Registered Agent: Charles McBurney, Jr. Esq.
  • Officers:
    • President: Mr. Richard Hewett
    • Treasurer: Mr. Gabriel Wilson
    • Secretary: Mr. Charles McBurney, Jr. Esq.
    • Director: Brigadier General (Ret) Neil Tolley
  • Date Incorporated: September 25, 2018
  • Previous Legal Names:
    • Friends of Riverview Scouting, Inc. (FORS)
    • Family and Youth Leadership Foundation, Inc. (FYLF)
  • Federal IRS Tax-Exempt Organization Status: Yes.
  • Florida Solicitation License: Yes. FYRE complies with Chapter 496, Florida Statutes, the Solicitation of Contributions Act and has a certificate of compliance from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

The Family and Youth Research and Education Foundation, Inc. is a registered domestic non-profit corporation within the State of Florida in good standing. The entity has a registered Doing Business As (DBA; also known as a ficticious name) as “FYRE” to ease communications and transactions. All legal entity documentation and filings related to the FYRE Foundation is available in Florida’s SunBiz Division of Corporations.

While “Foundation” is in the legal entity name, FYRE is not a private foundation or operating foundation. Foundation in this sense infers the organization’s belief that family and youth are the foundation of the nation. Thus, FYRE complies with Section 170 of 26 U.S. Code and maintains its eligibility to receive fully tax-deductible donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations to further FYREs certified charitable purposes.